The Faculty of World Studies, University of Tehran, aims to establish the Center for Peace and Conflict Studies in the near future. In previous years, an academic core promoting the intellectual and practical study of peace and the prevention and management of conflicts has been formed at the faculty. The Center will be initiating a post grad programme on Peace and Conflict Resolution, which will be the first of its kind in Iran, aiming to advance the academic path to building a safer world for the future generations. The program will be accepting students from around the world, aiming to provide an atmosphere where students get the chance to experience diversity and difference of opinion first-hand.
The Center will also be holding the first International Conference on Peace and Conflict Resolution (ICPCR), which will bring together scholars and experts on the issue, providing a vibrant forum for the exchange of ideas and experiences on this vital issue. ICPCR has a multidisciplinary approach, with a focus on the discipline of peace and conflict resolution studies. The call for papers is broadly defined to include a vast array of issues and approaches to peace and conflict resolution. Reaching a broader understanding of concepts and theories and providing innovations in the theoretical field, and practical solutions for conflict resolution are the main goals that the conference aims to achieve.
The Faculty of World Studies (FWS) at the University of Tehran, in collaboration with the Institute for Political and International Studies (IPIS) at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Iranian National Commission for UNESCO and the Iranian Peace Studies Scientific Association will host the ICPCR.